Troubled by excess facial hair?You are not alone, millions of women billion dollars on bushy eyebrows pierced upper lip, chin, cheeks and hair out of focus. But the options for facial hair removal for women are greater than ever. Here are some top ways to lose the hair.
The first consideration will be to rule out hormonal and other medical issues for the hair. Certain conditions and medications can cause excess hair so a trip to your physician would be a good step to take.
After all the health, check your options. Note that one method approved by the FDA for permanent removal and electrolysis. Electrolysis kills the follicle and thus removes the hair. However, electrolysis is time consuming when you have a large area of hair to be removed. If you want to clean up eyebrows or a few chin hairs it may be a good consideration. But if you have a ton of fuzz you may want to look at other methods.
Shaving and waxing are old standbys. These methods are safe, but regrow hair and beard, start a discussion with one or two days before the arrival of new hair.
Waxing is a better option as it will last about 3 to 6 weeks.
Threading an age old art of facial hair removal for women is gaining fans. With threading a number of hairs are looped by a thread and pulled out by the roots.
Another method is gaining popularity with the help of a laser. The clinics are popping up everywhere remove hair with the state of the laser. Although this method is not permanent, lasers are used for thinning hair.
Package plans can make lasers affordable. Be sure to check out the clinic thoroughly|facial hair removal for women.